Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best and Worst Wednesday

I've decided to join the Renee Bergeron at Bakers-dozen in her Best and Worst Wednesday posts because:

  1. I thought it would be fun.
  2. I need to start blogging again.
  3. I am somewhat of a pessimist, so this will force me to start finding positive things to think on.
Due to the third reason, rather than being a Best and Worst post, mine will probably be Worst and Best posts, or maybe even Best-Worst-Best posts so that it can end on a positive note. Now I must begin.

Worst thing about this post? I have been meaning to write this for three weeks now.

Best thing about this post? I have finally gotten around to doing it!

Worst thing outside? It is raining slightly and so I cannot do any driving practice today. I haven't had enough practice driving when it is dry to drive safely when it is wet.

Best thing? I have my driving permit, and it is actually raining.

Worst thing about joining Pinterest? I had to get a Facebook account in order to join.

Best thing about Pinterest? Now all those pictures and tutorials which I have been saving on my iPad are nice and organized in neat little pin-boards. (By the way, I canceled the Facebook account. I don't like the whole idea of Facebook, and joined for the sole purpose of getting a Pinterest account.)

Worst thing about finding a good book? I end up staying up late to read... more often than is good for me.

Best thing about finding a good book? I can find what really happened. Staying up 'til 1am two nights in a row reading The Story of the Trapp Family Singers was definitely worth it to find out the real story behind The Sound of Music. "Don't judge a book by it's movie" is definitely applicable. The story was so much changed between the real events and the movie that the movie should have an announcement at the beginning saying, "This story is very loosely inspired by the Trapp family." Truth is way more interesting than fiction.

Are there any Best and Worsts which have happened to you? Feel free to comment them here.



  1. Heya Lauren!
    I like it. That's really cool. I loved 'The Story of the Trapp Family Singers' Wasn't it just so fabulous? I loved it. And the pictures were really cool.
    You got your permit! No way. I have way to many friends who are driving now. This is almost scary. haha.
    Hope everything is well with you! Merry Christmas,

  2. Congratulations on getting your permit!! I was a little sorry to miss church today, but I was needed at Debra's house. I love what you said about staying up way to late for your own good reading. :) I do it too.
