Lucas and Stephen holding our TEA Party signs
You live in a one-house schoolroom.
You know what math manipulatives are.
You have mold growing in your fridge... on purpose.
You've mastered the fine art of vacuuming a floor without sucking up a Lego or K'nex piece.
Your students have to clear the breakfast bowls off the table before sitting down to do their school work.
Your house is mess, but your kids are happy.
You shop for birthday presents at educational stores.
All you want for Christmas is a Barnes & Noble gift certificate.
You'd rather buy books than clothes.
Your friends don't want to help you move because you have so many books.
You get nervous about what people will say when you take your kids to Wal-Mart in the middle of the day.
When you see a parking lot full of 15 seater vans you wonder if there's a homeschooling conference.
You take a suitcase full of books along on your family vacation.
You're willing to drop what you're doing at a moment's notice to go look something up in a dictionary or encyclopedia.
You're willing to drop what you're doing at a moment's notice to go look something up in a dictionary or encyclopedia.
You don't get fired for teaching your students about God.
Some days you learn as much as your students.
Lauren Ashley
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