Joyfully at Home has been one of the most encouraging blogs which I have found. Written by Jasmine Baucham, daughter of Voddie Baucham, this blog has been encouraging in my christian walk as a stay-at-home daughter of my earthly father and my heavenly Father. But alas, Jasmine has decided to leave her blog behind, and instead leave a book to encourage any girl who might pass by. Jasmine's book addresses how you can fulfill the Great Commission at home during your years of singleness, under the authority of your father. Even though I haven't read this book yet, I would highly recommend it. There is a giveaway of this book at Feminine Farmgirl (ending tomorrow), but if you happen to miss this you can purchase the book from Vision Forum. If you would like a preview of her book, please read her Joyfully Content series, which began the writing of her book, just a few months ago.
Thanx Lauren! I've heard about this book and would like to read it some time.