Monday, June 28, 2010


I write where all can see
I write in an age of technology
I write where you can reply easily
Why, O Why no comments do I see?

I know this is not very good poetry, but I had to say something about there being NO COMMENTS.

Maybe this is better: I implore you to respond to my posts, whether it be in assent, opposition, or interrogation. An author will ne'er decide what to publish unless he is acquainted with the knowledge of what is of general interest to the public.



  1. did you make that up? =)
    i haven't been keeping up on this but i'll get better at it

  2. p.s.
    imo you should post whatever you want since this is your blog and if you get lots of followers, great, but if you don't, i would tell you to change your blog for the followers. =)

  3. that's great poetry! I should copy it for my blog! I DO COMMENT. You have a great blog.


  4. oh wow. nice typo, i meant to say i wouldn't tell you to change your blog for the followers, not the other way around.

    so now you're probably sick of my comments. =)
